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[DII Seminar] "Global Trends and Challenges of Social Impact Investment"「社会的インパクト投資の世界的トレンドと可能性」



社会的課題の解決と利益獲得の二つを目的とする投資として関心が高まる「インパクト投資」。日本においても、SDGs への関心高まりを受け、2018年度の投資市場規模は3,440億円と推計され、前年度比で5倍近くも伸びているといわれています。しかしながら、日本は世界のインパクト投資のわずかな割合を占めるにとどまっています。さらにその内訳をみてみると、新興国に展開する現地企業に出資者として投資する形態が主であり、日本のスタートアップを含む非上場企業に対する長期的投資は極めて少ない状況です。日本の社会的インパクトファンドが海外に展開し、日本企業をサポートするためには、現地のリスク情報、ネットワーク、インパクト評価に関する知見を培っていく必要があると考えられています。そこで今回は「破壊的・インクルーシブ・イノベーション」を導く仕組みの一つであるインパクト投資に着目し、経験豊かな海外インパクトファンドの方々からインパクトファンドの世界的なトレンドと成功事例を紹介いただきます。また、日本におけるインパクトファンドの取り組み、政府・公的機関の役割、また同投資がイノベーション創出の下支えとなる可能性があるのか、といった点について皆様と議論いたします。

Social Impact Investment which aims both to solve social challenges and to make a profit is attracting attention in response to SDGs. In Japan, social impact investment estimates amounting 344 billion yen in 2018, which is 5 times larger than last year. However the proportion of impact investment in Japan is much smaller than its investment in US and Europe. We will invite practical social impact investors from The Aavishkaar Group and Patamar Capital which have over 15 years of experiences in this field. They will introduce us the global trends in impact investment and share successful cases. And we would like to discuss the possibilities and roles of the impact investment to create innovation and lead to solve the SDGs with audience.


日本語:DIIセミナー#3 Flyer_JP.pdf
English::DIIセミナー#3 Flyer_EN.pdf

Akira Satoh

東京大学法学部卒業。大和証券SMBC株式会社に入社後UBS証券株式会社に入社。両投資銀行で国内外のM&Aアドバイザリー業務に従事。2012年から株式会社産業革新機構(現 株式会社INCJ)にて、業界再編、海外買収案件、ベンチャー投資案件を担当。現在、同社ベンチャー・グロース投資グループディレクター。過去数年に渡り、国内外のインパクトファンドとコミュニケーションを継続しながら、国内における新しいインパクト投資の枠組みを模索中。

After graduating from The University of Tokyo with a BL in 2007, Akira began his career at Daiwa SMBC. Following that, he joined UBS. During his time at both investment banks, Akira worked on many diverse M&A transactions. Beginning in 2012, He has been involved in large-cap reorganizations and cross border acquisitions, as well as venture deals at Innovation Network Corporation of Japan (INCJ). He currently serves as a director at the firm. Over the past few years, Akira has been exploring a new opportunity of new type of global impact investing to be driven by Japan, building reliable relationships with global established impact fund managers.

Vineet Rai.jpg
Vineet Rai

Vineet Rai is the Founder of Aavishkaar group and chairs its Group Executive Council.
Aavishkaar Group is an Impact Investment Platform impacting millions of people in Asia and Africa through its interventions while managing assets in excess of US $ 1 Billion.
Vineet’s philosophy is to build ecosystem for Impact Investing to deliver the Aavishkaar Group vision“Bridging the Opportunity Group for the Emerging 3 Billion”. Vineet believes that Impact Investing has the potential to change the world of finance irreversibly and will play a pivotal role in delivering Sustainable Development Goals. In line with his belief, The Aavishkaar Group vision is to establish itself across Asia and Africa and scale its own assets under management to US $ 7 Billion of outstanding by 2025.

Beau Seil

Beau Seil is a Co-Founder and Partner of Patamar Capital, an early-stage venture capital firm investing in financial services companies and tech-enabled distribution platforms serving the “mass market” in South and Southeast Asia.
With investments in India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam, Patamar is also evaluating investments in other markets such as Bangladesh, Myanmar, Pakistan, and Thailand.

As a Patamar co-founder, Beau has led and continues to manage the firm’s expansion into new geographic markets. He is on the board of Patamar portfolio companies Kalibrr and mClinica, and he has been instrumental in integrating a gender-lens across the firm’s operations and investment strategy.

日時/Date & Time

2019年11月6日(水)18:20 - 19:50 (18:00時開場)
6th November, 2019 18:20 - 19:50 (Doors open 18:00)


政策研究大学院大学 3F 3C 会議室 (http://www.grips.ac.jp/jp/about/access/)
Conference Room 3C, GRIPS (http://www.grips.ac.jp/en/about/access/)


English/Japanese (Simultaneous interpretation will be provided)




18:20-18:30 趣旨説明 
        飯塚倫子 氏(GRIPS教授)
18:30-18:40 佐藤哲 氏(INCJ)
18:40-18:50 Vineet Rai(Aavishkaar)
18:50-19:00 Beau Seil(Patamar Capital)
19:00-19:45 パネルディスカッション、Q&A
19:45-19:50 閉会
19:50- ネットワーキング

参加申し込み/ Registration    問合せ/Contact  

0_DII introduction.pdf
1_GRIPS DII seminar_20191103_sent_revised 2.pdf
2_GRIPS_Vineet .pdf
3_Patamar Capital - Tokyo 201910, final (1).pdf

科学技術イノベーション政策研究センター(SciREX Center)
Secretariat Office of SciREX Center
National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies(GRIPS)
TEL: +81-(0)3-6439-6318 / FAX: +81-(0)3-6439-6260
Mail: scirex-center@grips.ac.jp
