【終了しました】IFI EBPM in STIセミナー/第139回 STIG PoPセミナー「欧州事例に基づくチーム・サイエンスの実証分析:チーム内の知識フローとチーム形成におけるジェンダー・バイアス」(STIG)
東京大学 科学技術イノベーション政策の科学教育プログラム(STIG)の共催するセミナー「欧州事例に基づくチーム・サイエンスの実証分析:チーム内の知識フローとチーム形成におけるジェンダー・バイアス」が、2023年11月30日(木)16:50より開催されます。詳細はSTIGのウェブページや以下の概要よりご確認ください。
Title タイトル | IFI EBPM in STIセミナー/第139回 STIG PoPセミナー「欧州事例に基づくチーム・サイエンスの実証分析:チーム内の知識フローとチーム形成におけるジェンダー・バイアス」 |
Abstruct 概要 | The seminar is based on the speaker’s two recent papers. (1) Empirical studies document a positive effect of collaboration on team productivity. However, little has been done to assess how knowledge flows among team members. The first paper addresses this issue by exploring unique rich data on a Swiss funding program promoting research team collaboration. We find that being involved in an established collaboration and team size foster the probability of an individual learning from the other team members. We also find that team members with limited experience are more likely to learn from experienced peers. Moreover, there is an inverted U-shaped effect of cognitive distance on the probability of learning from other team members. (2) The second paper investigate gender bias (if any) when teams are formed. We use data from the European Science Foundation to estimate if female scientists have the same opportunities as their male colleagues to join a team when applying for funds. To assess gender bias, we construct a control group of scientists with the competencies for being invited to join the team but do not join. By comparing the proportion of female scientists in the control group with the one in the observed teams, we find a gender bias against female scientists only when a project leader is a male scientist. At the same time, we do not observe gender bias when the project leader is a female scientist. |
Date/Time 日時 |
2023.11.30(Thu.) 16:50 ~ 18:30 |
Venue 会場 | SMBC Academia Hall, 4th floor, International Academic Research building, The University of Tokyo |
Speaker 登壇者 | Prof. Fabiana Visentin, Assistant Professor, UNU-MERIT, Maastricht University |
Language 言語 | English |
Registration 申込 | Advance registration is required. (Move to the host IFI page) 要事前申込み(以下の東京大学未来ビジョン研究センターのWEBページ上のフォームよりご応募ください) |
Host/Co-host 主催・共催 | Host: Co-host: |
Contact/お問合せ: 東京大学 未来ビジョン研究センター |