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[DII Seminar] "Impact Investing--How can Japan capture these new investment opportunities?"「インパクト投資:日本はこの好機を活かすことができるのか?」






GRIPS及びSCIREXセンターは、学界、政策立案者、民間、市民社会などのさまざまな利害関係者間で社会的課題について議論するための「場」を提供したいと考えています。 外部のパートナーと議論することで、公共政策への理解を深めるための新鮮な視点をもたらすと私たちは考えています。この機に、Read the Airと共催する当セミナーにご参加いただけたら幸いです。

The world of finance is in the midst of a massive transformation that is moving beyond its previous, shareholder-driven practices. Within the coalescing field of sustainable finance, one new approach stands out: Impact Investment. Impact Investment is a rapidly growing model that aims to “generate measurable beneficial social or environmental impact alongside a financial return” (GIIN, 2020). By 2019, this accelerating market had reached US$715 billion AUM, with new investment opportunities now unfolding for Japanese organizations. What are the future prospects of Impact Investment? How can Japan take advantage of this opportunity to its advance societal agenda while achieving financial returns? And what expertise can Japan offer?

At our Disruptive Inclusive Innovation seminar—DII—we are welcoming key players from the world of Impact Investment to discuss global trends, best practices, and the potential for Japan. Each of these domain experts will shed light on the current status of Impact Investing and discuss initiatives underway to develop the practice in this leading financial center, thus advancing our society’s efforts to help achieve the ambitious targets of the SDGs by 2030.

GRIPS and the SCIREX Center aim to provide a space for lively discussions on social agendas among various stakeholders, spanning from academia, policy makers, and civil society to the private sector and beyond. We do so in collaboration with external partners so that we may bring in fresh perspectives to advance our understanding on public policy. We look forward to having you join us at this informative event created in partnership with Read the Air.


日本語:Impact Investing Seminar Title JP 20201020.pdf

English::Impact Investing Seminar Title EN 20201020.pdf


議事録:DII Seminar on Impact Investing notes from meeting201207.pdf

Cliff Japan GRIPS 2.pptx

GRIPS DII Seminar -- Impact Investing -- Akala Impact Exchange.pptm

GRIPS Seminar Presentation by Satoshi Ikeda.pptx

S.PNGSir Ronald Cohen
Video message/ビデオによるメッセージ
Chairman of the Global Social Impact Investment Steering Group and The Portland Trust

ロナルド・コーエン卿は、グローバル・ソーシャル・インパクト投資運営グループ会長、ポートランド・トラスト会長を兼任するとともに、両グループのグローバル・ステアリング・グループ(GSG)の会長を務める。また、ソーシャルファイナンス UK、米国、イスラエルの共同創設者ディレクターであり、ブリッジズ・ファンドマネージメントとビッグソサエティ・キャピタルの共同創設者会長も兼任。約20年にわたり、ロナルド卿のインパクト投資の先駆的な取り組みは、社会的・環境的利益に貢献するために民間資本を動かすことに焦点を当て、数々の世界的な取り組みを促進しており、これらの取り組みは、世界のインパクト投資の潮流をリードしている。

Sir Ronald Cohen, Chairman of the Global Social Impact Investment Steering Group and The Portland Trust
Sir Ronald Cohen is Chairman of the Global Steering Group for Impact Investment and The Portland Trust. He is a co-founder director of Social Finance UK, USA, and Israel, and co-founder Chair of Bridges Fund Management and Big Society Capital.
For nearly two decades, Sir Ronald’s pioneering initiatives in driving impact investment have catalyzed a number of global efforts, each focused on driving private capital to serve social and environmental good. These efforts are leading the global impact investment movement towards an Impact Revolution.

[登壇者 Speakers]

Cliff.PNGMr. Cliff Prior
CEO of Global Steering Group for Impact investment (GSG)


Cliff Prior, Chief Executive Officer of GSG
Chief Executive Officer at The Global Steering Group for Impact Investment (GSG).
Civil society organisation leader with a track record of successful transformational change and strategic development. Focused on organisations which empower and support people to develop their own solutions to social and environmental problems.
Currently at Big Society Capital and moving on to the Global Steering Group on impact investing.

IKEDA.PNG池田 賢志 Mr. Satoshi Ikeda
Chief Sustainable Finance Officer, the Financial Services Agency (FSA)


Satoshi Ikeda, Chief Sustainable Finance Officer of FSA
In March 2019, Satoshi Ikeda was appointed to the FSA's "Chief Sustainable Finance Officer. In this position, he is responsible for the implementation of the TCFD's recommendations on climate change-related financial disclosure in Japan, as well as performing a wide range of duties related to sustainable finance, including serving as the secretariat of the Strategic Project Team for SDGs Initiatives within the FSA.

キャプチャ3.PNG白石 智哉 Mr. Tomoya Shiraishi
the Founder of Social Investment Partners (SIP) and CEO of Phronesis Partners

白石智哉氏 ソーシャル・インベストメント・パートナーズ(SIP)理事およびグローバル・ステアリング・グループ(GSG)日本国内諮問委員会メンバー
白石氏は1980年代にキャリアをスタートさせたプライベート・エクイティのベテラン。ベンチャーキャピタルからプライベートエクイティまで、幅広い投資経験を持つ。日本、米国、アジア各国での実績があり、JAFCOでバイアウト投資のCIOを務めた後、2009年までペルミラ日本支社長を務める。東日本大震災後は地域ビジネスの支援に専念し、2012年には日本初の本格的なベンチャー・フィランソロピー組織であるソーシャル・インベストメント・パートナーズ(SIP)を設立し、ソーシャルビジネスの資金面・経営面での支援を行っている。2014年には、スモールキャップコントロールのバイアウトを中心としたプライベート・エクイティ・ファームであるPhronesis PartnersのCEOに就任した。グローバル・ステアリング・グループ(GSG)における日本国内諮問委員会のメンバーを務める。

Tomoya Shiraishi, Board member of Social Investment Partners (SIP) and a member of Japan National Advisory Board, Global Steering Group for Impact Investment (GSG).
Tomoya is a private equity veteran started his career in 1980’s. From venture capital to private equity, he has broad investment track records in Japan, the US and Asian countries. After served as CIO of buyout investment at JAFCO, he was the head of Japan office, Permira until 2009. He dedicated himself to support regional businesses after Great East Japan Earthquake and he established Social Investment Partners (SIP), the first full-scale venture philanthropy organization in Japan in 2012 to provide financial and managerial support to social businesses. In 2014, he became CEO, Phronesis Partners, private equity firm focusing small cap control buyouts. He is a member of Japan National Advisory Board, Global Steering Group for Impact Investment (GSG).

キャプチャ.PNG鵜尾 雅隆 Mr. Masataka Uo
GSG 社会インパクト投資タスクフォース日本諮問委員会副委員長、日本ファンドレイジング協会理事長
Vice Chair of the Japan National Advisory Board (NAB) for GSG and founder and CEO of the Japan Fundraising Association


Masataka UO is the founder and Chair of Japan Fundraising Association, and a Trustee and the Vice Chair of Japan National Advisory Board of Global Steering Group for Impact Investment(GSG), and a Trustee of JANPIA( Japan Network for Public Interest Activities), which is the impact wholesaler of dormant bank accounts.
He is one of the top leaders in Japan's fundraising/social investment sector with a track record of success in raising funds for social causes, cultural projects, and international development. Aside from serving at the Economic Cooperation Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, he also worked for Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)


[ファシリーテーター Facilitator]

キャプチャ.PNG飯塚 倫子 Ms. Michiko Iizuka

Michiko Iizuka specializes in the policy studies on development, innovation in the area of sustainability, natural resources and agriculture in developing and emerging countries.
Prior to joining GRIPS, she was a research fellow at United Nations University Maastricht Economic and social Research and training center for Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT: 2008-2018), as an environmental officer at United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and Caribbean (UNECLAC: 1997-2000) and a researcher at the International Development Center of Japan (IDCJ: 1993-1996, 2000-2002).

キャプチャ2.PNGMs. Trista Bridges
共同創立者、Read the Air
Co-founder of Read the Air sustainable business advisory firm and co-author of “Leading Sustainably— The path to sustainable business and how the SDGs changed everything” from Routledge


ドナルドさん.PNGMr. Donald Eubank
共同創立者、Read the Air
Co-founder of Read the Air and co-author of “Leading Sustainably”


トリスタ・ブリッジス氏 / ドナルド・ユーバンク氏「リード・ザ・エア」設立者
トリスタ・ブリッジス氏とドナルド・ユーバンク氏は、東京を拠点とする国際的なアドバイザリー会社「リード・ザ・エア(空気を読む)」の共同設立者であり、企業が持続可能性を経営の核に据えることを支援。共著として『Leading Sustainably-The path to sustainable business and how the SDGs changed everything(持続可能性を導く- 持続可能なビジネスの進路とSDGsが改革したもの)』がRoutledgeから上梓されている。ブリッジス氏は戦略とマーケティングの専門家で、消費財、金融サービス、テクノロジー、ヘルスケアなど、さまざまな地域やセクターで豊富な経験があり、ユーバンク氏は過去25年間、アジアのIT、金融、メディア業界で活躍してきた経験豊富な経営者である。
2020年に、Mahadevan "Mack" Ramachandran氏とRoland Thompson氏とのパートナーシップにより、日本の新興インパクト市場に知識、評価、マッチメイキングのソリューションを提供するインパクト投資サービス「Impact Exchange」を開発中。

Trista Bridges and Donald Eubank, Founders of Read the Air,
Trista Bridges and Donald Eubank are co-founders of Read the Air, a Tokyo-based international specialty advisory firm that enables business to put sustainability at the core of their operations. Together they are the co-authors of “Leading Sustainably— The path to sustainable business and how the SDGs changed everything”, available now from Routledge. Trista is a strategy and marketing expert with extensive experience across various geographies and sectors including consumer products, financial services, technology, and healthcare. Donald is an experienced manager who has worked across the IT, finance, and media industries in Asia for the past 25 years.
In 2020 they have been developing the Impact Exchange, an Impact Investing service focused in its first phase on providing Knowledge, Assessment and Matchmaking solutions to the nascent Japanese Impact market, in partnership with Mahadevan “Mack” Ramachandran and Roland Thompson.

【DII Seminar】
For past DII seminars, please see link below.

日時/Date & Time

(20:30- 21:00 フリーディスカッション)

10th November, 2020 19:00-20:30
(Optional Breakout “Lounge” from 20:30-21:00)




English/Japanese (Simultaneous interpretation will be provided)


GRIPS / SciREX Center / Read the Air


7:00 pm−7:10 pm  Opening statement and agenda
7:10 pm−7:40 pm  Presentations from speakers
・Mr. Cliff Prior, GSG CEO
・Mr. Satoshi Ikeda, FSA CSFO
・Mr. Tomoya Shiraishi, SIP & JVPN Founder
7:40 pm  Panel discussions among speakers
8:00 pm  Audience Q&A
8:20 pm  Recap and closing
8:30 pm−9:00 pm  Lounge session

7:00 pm  ご挨拶と主旨説明
7:10 pm−7:40 pm  登壇者による発表
・クリフ・プライヤー GSG, CEO
・池田 賢志 金融庁, CSFO
・白石 智哉 SIP & JVPN  創立者
7:40 pm  登壇者によるパネルディスカッション
8:00 pm  参加者からの質疑応答
8:20 pm  まとめ
8:30 pm−9:00 pm  フリーディスカッションとQ&A

参加申し込み/ Registration    問合せ/Contact  


1. 氏名、2.ふりがな、3.ご所属(英語)、4.ご所属(日本語)5.お役職(英語)、6.お役職(日本語)、7.メールアドレス、8.フリーディスカッション参加

Please register at following registration form by noon on November 10th.

If you cannot open the form, please send email to SciREX Center Secretariat.
Registration email must include: 1) your name, 2) institution, 3) position, 4) e-mail address, and 5) participation to ‘Lounge’ session.


科学技術イノベーション政策研究センター(SciREX Center)
Secretariat Office of SciREX Center
National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies(GRIPS)
TEL: +81-(0)3-6439-6318 / FAX: +81-(0)3-6439-6260
Mail: scirex-center@grips.ac.jp
