趣旨/Abstract | グローバル化、少子高齢化、情報化など急速な社会変化を伴う現代においては、その変化に柔軟に対応するため、社会課題解決においても多面的なアプローチが必要となります。そこで、今回のセミナーでは、社会課題解決にチャレンジするにあたって必要となるツールについて、コミュニティ・ビルディング、課題認識、人材育成を通じた共創(Co-design)の側面から議論します。世界を本気で変える“ゲーム・チェンジャー”が集まるEDGEofからスピーカーをお招きし、課題解決に挑む新たな手法について皆さんと議論します。 *モダン・ツールとは?
*What are modern tools? |
講演者/Speakers | 講師略歴はこちらを参照。 Daniel has spent most of his life using technology, entrepreneurship and social engineering to foster education, understanding and a better world. This work includes international JVs such as SparkNeuro, brought to Japan by EDGEof; building leading online communities; mentoring and investing in teams who have gone on to win awards and create billion dollar companies; innovation work with the EPA and WHO; over $50 million raised; creating products and services used by tens of millions; service and memberships include the prestigious NEC Future Creators Forum, advisor to the Mistletoe Foundation at Stanford, and several nonprofit and for-profit boards. Todd Porter 25+ year career building and collaborating with forward edge communities, organizations and platforms dedicated to prosperous futures for all: Founder Boma Japan; Advisor Future Food Institute; Founding Advisor Venture Cafe Tokyo; Founding Ambassador TEDx; Co-founder TEDxTokyo; Co-founder Fab Cafe Global; Co-founder Impact Foundation Japan; Venture Catalyst Imagine Media; MBA Stanford Graduate School of Business; Co-founder Insight Out Collaborations; Fellow Metasystems Design Group; Organizational Development Director Public Allies; Ashoka: Innovators for the Public; Bain & Company;. Tony Lai Tony was founded company, Legal.io, to deploy technology to scale legal access worldwide, working on improving legal systems through technology. He was also on the founding team of StartX, supporting Stanford-affiliated professors, graduates and alumni working on breakthrough technologies and ventures. Teaching and helping coordinate courses held at Stanford’s law school at Stanford’s d.school, on legal technology and ideas for a better Internet. Tony is currently working with DSIL Global to cultivate first the mindsets, then the toolsets and skills to design solutions and innovation with local communities, instead of for them -- building on DSIL Global’s work for the Government of the UAE, Gates Foundation, branches of the UN, and many in the corporate sector. |
日時/Date & Time |
2019年9月24日(火)17:30 - 19:00 (17:00時開場) |
場所/Vennue | 政策研究大学院大学 1F 1ABC 会議室 (http://www.grips.ac.jp/jp/about/access/) |
言語/Language | English/Japanese (Simultaneous interpretation will be provided) |
主催/Organizer | GRIPS/SciREX Center |
参加申し込み/ Registration 問合せ/Contact | 【配布資料】