2. SciREX does
  3. School Program

School Program

SciREX program has six universities at five core centers as SciREX program members as below with each having its own focusing area.

National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS): GRIPS Science, Technology & Innovation (GiST): http://gist.grips.ac.jp/en/ is the HUB of the five core centers, led by Prof. Takashi Shiraishi.

University of Tokyo: Science, Technology and Innovation Governance (STIG) focuses on training future science policymakers: http://stig.pp.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/ STIG is led by Prof. Hideaki Shiroyama.

Hitotsubashi University: Innovation Management Policy Program (IMPP) trainis future innovation management personnel: http://impp.iir.hit-u.ac.jp/ (Japanese only) IMPP is led by Prof. Yaichi Aoshima.

Osaka University & Kyoto University: The two universities jointly run Science and Technology in Public Sphere (STiPS) deals with ethical, legal and societal issues of science, technology and innovation: http://www.stips.kyoto-u.ac.jp/stips_e STiPS is led by Prof. Tadashi Kobayashil.

Kyushu University: Center for Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Studies (CSTIPS) studies STI policies in collaboration with other Asian countries and also the region-specific STI policies : http://www.sti.kyushu-u.ac.jp/en/ CSTIPS is led by Prof. Akiya Nagata.


The SciREX Program and the Center for R&D Strategy (CRDS), a center established within a Japanese funding agency named JST, have co-developed Core Contents that are the guidelines to be referred to at schools when making curricula of science, technology and innovation policy studies and other training opportunities.

To begin with the Core Contents-making project, SciREX and CRDS organized a workshop in 2016 to list up science questions (see the materials here), based on which they came up with such contexts of the Core Contents with the details available only in Japanese and subject to change with the era. Each item of every chapter is written by an expert on the topic.

SciREX Program Members

  • GiST
  • STIG
  • IMPP
  • CRDS
  • MEXT