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SciREX Quarterlies No. 17 & No. 18

SciREX Center

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SciREX produced SciREX Quarterlies No. 17 & No. 18 with the topics below. They can be obtained from the websites in Japanese.

Quarterly No. 17: https://scirex.grips.ac.jp/newsletter/vol17/

- Coevolution of Policy and Science - A Panel Discussions to review the SciREX Program's Human Resources Training at the 3rd SciREX Open Forum in 2021

- Standardization as a Business Tool - Interview to Prof. Eto Manabu, Hitotsubashi University

- Interview to Professors Nagata Akiya and Kobayashgi Toshiya about the human resources training program at Kyushu University's CSTIPS

- SciREX Policy Liaison's Role - Interview to Mr. Nakagawa Takashi, Digital Agency (a MEXT official when interviewed)

Quarterly No. 18: https://scirex.grips.ac.jp/newsletter/vol18/

- Biden Administration's STI Policy - Focusing on Science Integrity - Talk by Dr. Vaughan Turekian, NAS at the 4th SciREX Open Forum in 2022

- Space Technologies that support the 6th STI Basic Plan - Panel Discussion organized by the University of Tokyo's STIG at the 4th SciREX Open Forum in 2022

- Human Resources that make academic approaches to various issues - Interview to Prof. Aoshima Yaichi, Hitotsubashi University's ImPP

- Human Resources that bridge Research and Policy - Interview to Prof. Kurokawa Akio, Senior Manager, Center of Innovation Policy, Kanagawa University of Health Services


SciREX Program Members

  • GiST
  • STIG
  • IMPP
  • CRDS
  • MEXT